Apple Configurator是什么?用来做什么的?,Apple Configurator 2.8 beta 2Apple 官方是这样描述Apple Configurator的Apple Configurator 2 is an app for macOS 10.14 that makes it easy to set up and depl[...]
2018年-Apple教育版活动-购买MAC或者iPad-赠送Beats耳机-比以前更加丰富的颜色!最高减200美元哦!中国区的教育活动也快开始了!Get Apple education pricing on a Mac or iPad Pro for college. We’ll supply you with a pair of Beats i[...]
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.The next submission of[...]
App Store 审核指南 中文版地址-AppStore审核指南中文版链接地址App 正在改变世界,丰富人们的生活,并为像您一样的开发者提供前所未有的创新机会。因此,App Store 已成长为一个激动人心且充满活力的生态系统,正为数百万的开发者和超过十亿的用户提供服务。不管是开发新手,还是由经验丰富的程序员所组成的大型团队,我们都非常欢迎您为 [...]